As noted in the Q&A of this page (and eventually in the About page), the site was named because my opinion of things is generally “It’s fine.” I thought of the name several months ago, when things were maybe “ominous” or perhaps “scary” but people seemed like they were maybe “cautiously optimistic” (not “optimistic” in like “things will be good” but more in the sense of “they won’t be as bad as I’m imagining”) or more likely “expecting bad, but not like the absolute worst”. Flash forward to now, where we live not only in the worst timeline, but also the dumbest and everything is most definitely not fine. And now I own this domain name (for at least the next year).
However, I am still cautiously optimistic. I still fear that things will get worse before they get better, and if you’re part of the LGBTQ community, part of the BIPOC community, a woman, an immigrant, or really, part of any other marginalized or underrepresented group, you probably have serious concerns, and you are not wrong to do so.
My “optimism” (if you can really call it that, as I’ll explain) isn’t necessarily that everything is going to be sunshine and rainbows. Almost certainly not. However, for better and for worse, our country (and honestly, the whole world now, and probably just capitalism in general) is pretty good at solving problems, but only when they become truly existential in nature. We can’t try to solve, say, climate change, because it’s expensive and number has to go up, but everybody being dead makes number go down, so we won’t let that happen. (It’s why Costco isn’t rolling over and dumping their DEI initiatives like everyone else; they realize, not that diversity and inclusion are morally good (they are), but that casting as wide a net as possible for customers and employees is just good for business.)
Not that we should just trust capitalism to get us out of this, because while “number go up” might keep us alive, it certainly won’t help.
What will help is the innate nature of people to survive and aid in the survival of others. Obviously, not everyone has that, and it will be difficult to try to attend to everybody while taking care of yourself. But that’s okay, because there are a lot of us. So first, ensure your own safety and survival, by whatever means necessary. If it means just lying low, then do that. And if it means ordering grey market pharmaceuticals off the dark net, then do that. (And there will be people providing them.) And if it means agitating, protesting, marching, rabblerousing, etc., then go for it. (Don’t try to make your own life worse, but if you’re in a situation where that’s the only way, then find a group and go for it.) Then, when you’re safe, you can help others. (Whether that’s through money, time, food, security – whatever you have that you don’t need that someone else does.)
Personally, I don’t really have perspective on how bad things are right now. They sound awful, and they don’t sound like they’re improving, and I’m admittedly in a position of relative privilege. Regardless of what my career prospects look like for the immediate future (probably fine, and that’s not just me committing to the bit), I know I don’t have to worry about not being able to update my passport or register to vote or use a public restroom. I’m not on any psychological medications (although maybe I should be). I don’t remember the last time I got a vaccine (besides COVID-19 and the flu, which will probably still be available, albeit maybe not subsidized anymore?) Basically, when I look ahead, and see things as being “fine, eventually”, I can’t tell if that’s because they’ll actually be fine, or just fine for me. (Or if I’m just completely wrong. That’s possible.)
All we can do is keep on keepin’ on. Take care of yourself. And each other.
As for me, this will (hopefully) be the last time this site talks about any of this. There are plenty of people out there more qualified and better equipped to do it, and if you want that stuff, you know where to find it. I just want to get on with the nonsense I had in mind when I came up with the site. Out there, things are on fire and people are getting hurt, but here…
…Everything Is Fine.
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